The one-eyed bitch
lol! funny nick name that have been bestowed to me by my brothers. LOL
They can always make a joke out of the most depressing thing.
I am getting better! the steroid make my sight work better!
I wanted to have this policy of writing only happiness in my blog! but well, I think I just cant take it! I just want to vent thing out!
Honestly! I feel like being alone! Just being alone where nobody can contact me!
I have been binge eating! That is what I normally do when I am moderately stress!
So i have gain weight tremendously! I gt a pot belly ! Bigger than my man boobs! rounder and curvier! LOL
yeah! I am rambling! saying random stuff that is not coherent and super ultra random!
Why am I doing this? Again, there is so many thought that is going through my mind that i need it to be sorted out! I think i just repeated myself! Now I feel like that idiotic monkey MOJO JOJO.
With what I am going through now, I look normal! But I cant look at people normally!
I mean I feel lonely with that condition! I feel so lost and dead.
Nobody understand me! Like who the hell would understand me!! I cant see clearly now!
I have to guess what the hell is written on that bloody board!
When I want to go to the cinema! I feel like that is a waste of money since I cant see it clearly!
I like to see beautiful things but now. WOW! but it doesnt seem to be worth it now!
I even got frustrated when I was watching the damn TV!
I am 20! I have a career infront of me and a gazillion things that I wanna do! But now, i feel my life is so blight! Like of all things this happen to me. Me??? What the hell did I do to anyone to deserve this. Ok fine, i bitch and gossip alot! so???
Now I feel like I am living out the life of a one-eyed bitch!
Repressed, angry, frustrated and regressing!!
Ok now! now i feel so much better! YEAH! I know alot of people care for me!
But now! I just want to recuperate! both the inside and outside! so now I am so going to sleep! And not a single vulgarities use! I am impressed with myself! LOL!! TML will be a super great day!
*this is post is not about you! Or you or you who still insist it is about you! Nor it is about me being suicidal! It is about me who is having haemorroid right now and diarrhea( perfect combination!!) and in pain which make me bitchy! ok! tatas~~