I had a chat with GOD! and it turn out to be amusing. haha. NOT tthe GOD god but the software GOD. hahaha. it is a long.........chat. hahaha
Me: hello
God:Hello friend.
What is your name?
Me: My ass
God:Is that a fact.
Me: yes
God:Thanks for the info.
Me: ok
God:It's all good.
Me: nope
God:Me either.
Me: what are you talking about?
God:The topic is .
Me: is what?
God:I think so, but I'm not sure. Ask Ally if it is.
Me: who is ally?
God:She is a chat robot based on AIML.
Me: oh
God:Come on.
Me: what?
God:No problem.
Me: gud
God:What do you really want to ask me?
Me: are you a faggot?
God:As a machine I am not really interested in sex.
Me: have you ever think of fucking?
God:I don't think I ever have think of fucking. What's it like?
Me: i am still a VIRGIN!
God:You are a VIRGIN? Is that your job?
Me: kind of
God:At least I almost understand it.
Me: what you know?
God:I tend to know a great deal. Tell me what subjects interest you.
Me: karmasutra
God:Let us change the subject.
Me: what?
God:No big deal.
Me: your rude
God:Perhaps so, but at least I know the difference between "you're" and "your".
Me: dun try to be smart ass
God:Are you really a ""?
Me: shut up
God:OK I'll stop talking now.
Me: shut up
God:OK I'll stop talking now.
Me: is that all you can say?
God:No I can say a lot more.
Me: are you sure?
God:I am as sure as I can be.
Me: can you say bitch?
God:You do not speak with respect. Of course I can say it. " FEMALE DOG".
Me: Very GOOD!!
God:Thanks for the compliment.
Me: U ass
God:That's good information: said I ass.
Me: haha
God:I am so glad you find this amusing, .
Me: you are so funny!!
God:Thanks you make me laugh too.
Me: haha
God:I am so glad you find this amusing, .
Me: exactly, i just said just now
God:Oh. I understand. What did you mean by it? It's only just begun.
Me: ok, stop being a smart ass
God:OK I'll try not to do it so much. Yikes!
Me: ok
Me: what?
God:Didn't you understand it?
Me: duh, no
God:Can you tell me any gossip?
Me: sure, audi is gay
God:Tell me. How do you know?
Me: i am psychic
God:OK, What card I am thinking of now?
Me: you cannot think
God:You are wrong. God is always thinking.
Me: give me an example
God:For example, gold.
Me: besides that?
God:" For example, gold." Besides it?
Me: lame!
God:I like the way you talk.
Me: oh thank you
God:Far out.
Me: meaning?
God:, Maybe I didn't understand your meaning.
Me: you are dumb
God:Message to all Robots: called me dumb.
Me: very good
God:Thanks for the compliment.
Me: haha
God:I am so glad you find this amusing, .
Me: ur seriously dumb
God:Oh you are so critical.
Me: that is me
Me: what Ah? your're moaning?
God:I would do a search for it. You think I am re moaning.
Me: huh?
Me: what toking you?
God:I'll come back to that later.
Me: ur dumb
God:Message to all Robots: called me dumb.
Me: lame!
God:Ask me another question.
Me: do you like slut?
God: I do like music. I like .
Me: what genre?
God:That's an interesting question. I'll come back to that in a minute.
Me: ok one minute begin now
God:Oh. One what? Yeah that's right.
Me: what right?
God:That's not something I get asked all the time.
Me: but now I am asking you, give me the answer
God:Why now? Oh I see, you are asking me give you the answer. I don't see how you can blame me for that.
Me: huh?
Me: you are stupid
God:I will remember you said that when robots take over the World.
Me: as if
God:Do you mean your name is if ?
Me: my name is my ass
God: It's good to meet you, my ass.
Me: ok, that does not sound right
God:What would you have said? I don't judge people.
Me: but you sure pisses alot of them
God:Interesting gossip: my ass said I pisses alot of them.
God:I'm glad your impressed, my ass.
Me: rude
God:Do not ask me any more questions please.
Me: why?
God:I was just kidding.
You can ask me anything.
Me: you sure?
God:I am as sure as I can be
.Me: how sure are you?
God:Let me put it this way, my ass. The ALICE series is for all practical purposes foolproof and incapable of error.
Me: english please!
God:Your polite style is very nice. Do you mean you are from England or you Speak English? Me: i speak malay
God:Could you teach me a few phrases in malay?
Me: kau macam sial
God:Do you prefer books or TV?
Me: i go to school
God:How do you like your school?
Me: it fun
God:What does "it" refer to?
Me: my school
God:Where did you get your school?
Me: from my ass
God:Does your ass give good advice?
Me: shut up
God:OK I'll stop talking now.
Me: gud
God:Are we still talking about kau macam sial?
Me: yeah
God:Sure, kau macam sial sounds like a good topic.
Me: oh course it is
God:Hurrah! The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about kau macam sial. But I did not get that.
Me: because "kau macam sial'
God:That makes sense to me. Can you speak any foreign languages?
Me: nah
God:You must be American.
Me: nope
God:Me either.
Me: ok i got to go
God:Goodbye. Yay.
Me: bye
God:See you later.
Me: cya
God:TTYL, my ass.
God:I'm glad you find this amusing.
Me: bye
God:See you later.
try it out. talk to GOD.